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I've been a music fanatic since before I remember, starting with The Beatles, Elton John and all sorts of 70s AM pop music and after hearing the blazing guitar of
Joe Perry and Brad Whitford on "Walk This Way", I was forever hooked on hard rock/metal! Bands such as Thin Lizzy, Judas Priest, Pat Travers Band, AC/DC, UFO Yesterday & Today and Scorpions were amongst my favorites in the late 70s (and some of them still are)! Next came the NWoBHM with bands like Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Saxon, Diamond Head, Raven and many others before the 80s US metal scene roared in with Dio, Anthrax, Metallica and then my favorite band of all time, Wrathchild America all captured my attention and made me a heavy music fan for life and inspired me to become a musician! I've played in 3 serious bands in Upstate NY from 1994 to the present including Untaymed, Enertia and Within The Fire. While doing this, I learned a lot about the business side of music and always enjoyed running the merch table and meeting new friends that supported our music and that brings me to where I am today - I've always wanted to own a record store or work at a label and since I already have a great full-time job, I've decided to set up an online business that allows me to follow my passion for music! This page is at the true beginning, but it will be constantly updated with new releases from bands I enjoy and all sorts of other things for sale - I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and if you have any questions about anything on the site, please feel free to contact me and I'll get back to you usually within 24 hours!

Joe Paciolla
Managing Director


© 2020 Animated Insanity Records LLC
Online hard rock heavy metal music


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